Save'm all (pronounced Save 'em all) is a fictitious toy company which helps endangered and threatened animal species. The toys are round to match the tagline of "keepin' them 'round" (like keeping them around on Earth). Ideally, these toys would be made from 100% recycled littered plastic and donate $15 to organizations dedicated to helping these animals and cleaning pollution. Tags explain the mission of the company, give some fun facts about each animal the toy represents (and includes how many of that species are left/level of endangerment), and includes a preview of other SaveMall collectables to help. The box towards the bottom of the page is a super small scale model of what the display box would look like on store shelves. Ideally it would be made from recyclable ink/paper.
Using CMYK Blue, CMYK Green, and Black for the colors reduces the use of inks when printing anything.
note: website URL, email, and social tag are not legitimate.